Monday, May 21, 2018

Keto Tuna Croquettes

I'm a big tuna fan and a big fan of the keto diet as well. It has changed my life. So here you have my own personal recipe that my husband didn't even notice wasn't the regular.

4 cans tuna in water (8 oz)
2 large eggs
1/2 small onion diced
Almond flour
Salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning to taste

Drain tuna as much as possible. I even squeeze it out in my hands. Put in a medium sized bowl. Add eggs, onion, and seasonings to taste. Mix well. Add enough almond flour that it will hold form when squeezed together. I used about 1/4 cup. Prepare a small bowl of almond flour for dipping. Heat up a skillet with about 1/8 inch oil in the pan (I used canola). Make patties the size you prefer. I made 3 toddler sized and 9 adult sized ones. After you make each patty, coat well with almond flour by dipping into the bowl. Brown on each side. Drain on papertowel.

I paired with baked broccoli that had heather salt, butter, and olive oil on it. It was a delicious meal!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Keto desserts

So I decided to try the keto diet and it is really working for me. I feel amazing and the pounds are dropping off. I am well known for being good in the kitchen and decided to make my own chocolate dessert. So I decided to share it since everyone always needs more keto desserts!

Keto Chocolate Mousse for 1

1 oz whipping cream
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 tsp sweetener (I used pyure)
Dash of salt
1 oz cream cheese
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp sour cream

Beat whipping cream, vanilla, salt, and sweetener until stiff. Add all other ingredients and mix until smooth.

I used a single beater on a hand mixer and mixed in my glass measuring cup in case you need a suggestion of how to make this happen in such a small amount. I also could only eat about half because it was so rich!


<a href="" target="_blank"><img width="251" height="476" src="" /></a>

Keto Alfredo

Another of my own Keto diet recipes. This one is going to be served with chicken and green peas. For my non-keto family there will be noodles. I will probably put a little cauliflower rice with mine or eat it plain.

2 oz cream cheese
3/4 cup Italian cheese blend
1/2 whipping cream
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp italian seasoning
1/8 tsp rosemary
1/8 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp parsley


On very low heat, add all ingredients except cheese and stir regularly until melted and smooth. Add cheese and stir until melted. Add to chicken, beef, anything you wish!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img width="251" height="476" src="" /></a>

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Been a while

I haven't posted in quite some time. Life gets you busy and you get sidetracked. I thought I would share a quick snack recipe with you. It involves sugar and sweetening of Cheerios, but they are lightly sweetened and delicious!

Quick Cheerio snack by the fuzz

1/2 tsp honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup Cheerios
2 tbsp powdered sugar

In a bowl big enough to stir all ingredients without spilling but tight enough to make sure all ingredients will touch (I use a 2 cup glass measuring cup) mix honey and vanilla until liquid. Add Cheerios and mix until all are damp. Add powdered sugar and mix until all are lightly coated. Lay out on waxed paper to dry well. Bag em and eat em!

I hope you enjoy my recipe. 3.0 and I both do. He has grown tired of plain Cheerios but we get them from WIC and they are a great snack. Mom is getting creative!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Feeling defeated

Fair warning, this one is very personal and a bit negative but we all have those days, right.

I'm so tired of being broke. I never thought I would be here again. My husband was laid off in Jan last year (last day). We lost our insurance and everything. 3 months later I was fired when the baby was 4 weeks old for abandoning my position and lost my truck, our family vehicle. I've tried to find a lawyer but can't get a call back. My unemployment ran out first week of December. Husband makes $8 on a temp job that has only continued because of luck. We haven't gone out in a year unless someone takes us. We have enough to pay rent next month but not our bills. If I don't start working we will have to move in with family in February. I feel like a failure as a parent. I should be able to take care and provide for my kids and I can't. I've had to ask family for help. I just want this nightmare to be over. I grew up and got responsible and for nothing because I'm losing my shit anyway.
Our rent house has flooded 3 times this year and has mold but we can't move without going to a family member's house. I'm glad they are there for us but I'm almost 40. I shouldn't be doing this anymore. Took forever to get a good man and we can't catch a break. To top it off I've had abdominal pain for a week and can't see a doctor. I am hungry because we can't buy enough food (but I make sure the kids have plenty, they will always have if I have to sell everything I own). I've applied for food stamps which I'm embarrassed about but it's taking forever to process. I'm just defeated and tired. I love my kids and family more than anything. They are my world and deserve everything. This time last year I was able to give them anything but now we struggle for everything. They say it gets better and once you hit bottom you have to come back up. They say karma treats you as you treat others. So why aren't things better or getting better? We are good people that are always there for others and willing to work. So why are we in this position? I know we aren't alone but it feels like we are. People say so many jobs have been created. Then why can't I find one? I have experience and some college. I'm professional and friendly and great with paperwork. The honest starve while the dishonest drive Cadillacs and live off welfare, that's why. I've always felt like a good parent and, right now, I don't, and that's what hurts the most

Rant over.

Friday, September 11, 2015

14 years later

This morning I will take a moment of silence to reflect and then to pray for all those that were lost and directly affected by that morning. The entire nation changed that day. It brought unity and patriotism to a nation that had forgotten, and now, once again, we have forgotten. It saddens me to see the recent racism and hate that has ensued. We need to reunite as one nation and stop allowing the media to divide us.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Just writing...

I have written for quite some time now even being published at some point. I woke up this morning and sat and thought about my family and how much they mean to me. I had to write. It's not one of my best and pretty mushy but this morning I am filled with love and happiness!

The love of my family

When I'm close to you,
All of my troubles melt away.
I am filled with comfort.
I am filled with love.

When I'm close to you,
I forget the world is around.
I have you near.
That is all that matters.

When I look in your eyes,
I am reminded.
There is nothing to big.
There is nothing we can not conquer.